Frequently Asked Questions
Short Video Bible teaching straight from your cell phone or internet connection. Chapters are not just read but the simple meaning is extracted and high-lighted so the listener has an opportunity to better ‘feel and know God’ IN the teaching. Teacher, author, coach, Susan David answers most frequently asked questions:
What Exactly Is Bible By Phone? Bible By Phone is a meeting place for Christians or other interested parties, through their cell phone or internet connection. Christians, who desire to know the Bible and God better can just visit this website, go to the video page and select a topic. Once selected just watch and listen to a short ten minute message. It’s a place to hear and see, not just read the words IN the Bible. When the average Christian puts his/her Bible down and proceeds to walk through their day, how much of what they read speaks to them as a specific message from God TO them personally? If the words in the Bible do not literally speak to you, something’s wrong. Bible By Phone is a place where the words in the Bible and God who penned them, through his prophets, have a conversation with you, one on one. If you have not yet experienced that, you will, just by listening to messages in these short videos. How can you, Susan, be so sure that God will speak to me personally, through the audio messages on Bible By Phone? My Bible says God desires us to know Him like He knows us. Yet most Christians admit it’ s not happening for them and they are wondering what they are doing wrong. I used to wonder that myself. I’ ve discovered over the years that in order to really get to know someone, anyone, it takes spending time with them, lots of time. Here’s the problem. We are in a world where more and more of our time is extracted through work, drive-time, chores, children’s needs and rest due to flat exhaustion. We only have very little relaxation time and reading time to enquire through the Bible. In order for me to truly know God and touch Him personally, get Him to speak to me I decided years ago to take one year off work and I spent that time in the Bible, 8-10 hours per day, six days per week until I could connect with God; hear from Him, know His voice. I now know how and I can share that with you. Not only share it, but when I share His word with you, ‘you will feel’ His presence in the teachings. One way to know this is true is to view just one video and see. Susan, why should God speak to you in this fashion, are you special? The answer is, we are ALL special to God. But that’s precisely the point. I spent way too many years wondering why I was even on this earth and why God created me. I longed to hear His voice and know answers to my questions and concerns. I struggled to even think that the God of this universe knew I existed, yet I knew He knew because he created me and all things on earth. But I wanted a personal relat ionship. My problem was I did not enjoy reading the one book he left us, the Bible. Without the knowledge IN this book He left us, how was I going to ever get to know Him? That became my problem and dilemma. One day I fully realized that God WAS speaking to others and if he was I was going to find Him and learn to hear His voice. Can’t God just use my pastor to explain the Bible to me on Sunday’s when I attend church? Of course and I’m sure He does. I thank God for all the sermons I’ve heard over the years and how the Lord used my pastors words to teach, lift, bless, encourage and direct me. But for me, it was never enough. There was always this void inside me that could never be filled. There were always more questions as to why things in my life were not where they should be, relationships, health issues, attacks from outsiders, even problems with family members. Why all the trials and tribulations? I needed more and when I made myself dig for the answers, that is when it began to occur to me that others needed the answers I was finding for me. Why is the Bible so difficult to understand; doesn't God want me to know what to do when things don’t go my way in this life? Yes, God truly desires for us to be directed and the answers all lie in th e pages between Genesis and Revelation. But like a lot of things in life, the greatest nuggets we sometimes must work to pull out and if we are weary from other tasks of life and do not have the time or energy to dig, we must either not get answers or look in another direction for help. Bible By Phone is an easy access to not only understanding Bible Chapters but at the same time, hearing God speak to you IN the Chapters personally and you will receive the benefit of Him dropping answers to some of your greatest challenges, as you listen. So why you, Susan, why not someone else? God has called many to do what I do. The Bible says “Many are called but few are chosen. ”My belief is that there are others but are they willing to dedicate the time and effort it takes to supply the need Some are, thank God because it takes many to get God’s word out. I’m only one of many and I've taken other avenues over the years to share what God has spoken to me. I spent over nine years delivering messages over Christian radio on three stations, but mostly over one. (See my Bio in the About Page) I've written three books and over 96 periodicals and sent them out free of charge. I've mentored and coached many over the years including pastors and their wives. So it’s not just me. Many reading this right now are called in some capacity to serve the Lord. You've struggled with this for years and have wondered if you will ever step out and in what area. I can assure you that before long listening to these Bible By Phone messages, you will begin to see more clearly where you belong and you will be encouraged to step into your call, that I can promise you. Tell me another way I will be blessed by hearing the teachings through Bible By Phone? Not only will you begin to know the God of the Bible better, but you will definitely begin to know yourself and those around you better. The greatest gifts I’ve received from the Lord are the ability to edify, exhort and comfort others. The other gift is one of discernment. As you listen to messages these operate AS the Lord chooses. Notice I said AS God chooses, not me. It’s not like turning a faucet on and watching the flow of water come forth, that we all can do of our own accord. But the moving of God’s Spirit is under the unction of the Holy Spirit and not of us. As the Lord has me deliver messages, a confirmation of Bible truth can’t help but move forward, His words never come back void but bless wherever they are sent. So don’t be surprised if you feel His presence during some of the teachings, because God loves to show up where He’s welcomed. So do you charge a fee for these teachings and if not, why not? There is absolutely no fee charged to hear the word of God through these videos. I realize that the subject of money is very delicate for many and one that some are not comfortable with. So I will try herein to share my feelings on this. I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I have a mortgage and bills to pay every month, the same as most reading this. I realize there are numerous scriptures on giving and many more attitudes from Christians about money. I personally always come back to what did God say about money, not man. I also look at what impels me to give and to whom do I give my money. Well, here’s my answer. I can really relate to the scripture which says, “A workman is worthy of his hire. ” Also“ Do not muzzle the ox that treads out the corn. ”(1 Timothy 5:18) These scriptures are so self-descriptive. If a person labors he should be paid. If an ox treads corn, it seems only fair he should be able to eat some of it to keep up his strength. You reading this, most have a job or a business, at least an avenue where you receive your money. People give to you when they get, in return, something from you, am I correct? They receive a product or a service in exchange for money. That’s the way I see God’s people, preachers, teachers, evangelists, etc. These are called into the ministry to serve God and man. They are not exempt from having to supply money in exchange for their mortgage, gas and lights, water bill, clothes, car payment, food, etc. We ALL must pay. I’ve never understood why some want to keep God’s people poor when they are giving out their very best to sustain others emotionally and spiritually. Here’s how I feel about giving to the work of the gospel. I already know I want to give to support that because it’s in my heart, (First let there be a willing heart) not just because the Bible encourages me to give. Where I give (to whom), besides my church, is simple. If someone is blessing me with the spoken word, I want to make sure they don’t disappear. Logically it seems to me that if they are supported they will remain. I did a Google search to see how the average churches are doing and as many as 1500 churches are closing each month. I’m sure it could be numerous reasons why. But this I know, if people get behind something (someone) and support their efforts, that person is encouraged to continue giving out and will remain, not just rema in, but grow. It could be some pastors do not make it because they are in the wrong office. We need to truly know where we are called to serve God, in which capacity, because if we miss that even God doesn't have to bless it. What I’m trying to share with you is this; if these messages through Bible By Phone, bless you and I believe they will, let your heart be the judge of whether you want to support me continuing on, delivering them each week to you. God lives in your heart and He is not only capable of speaking to you about any support but He can also give you the exact amount needed. So, no, there will not be a fee and all are welcome. What am I hoping for you as you attend these Bible By Phone Meetings? My greatest desire for those who attend is that you will not only under stand the scriptures better but that you will increase in wisdom above all else and comprehend truths which will enable you to divide the holy from the profane and use your knowledge to succeed in life like never before. Above all else that you will be drawn to God’s Spirit and His love for you like you’ve never experienced before. My challenge for you today: Hear one short message and judge for yourself... ask yourself these questions: ·Did you receive any nuggets of truth? ·Do you feel closer to God? ·Did the scriptures come alive for you? ·Do you feel lifted; have more energy, a greater peace, more joy? ·Do you have a desire to return for more? ·Do you feel like sharing this information with someone you care about? If you have a question that has not been answered here I would love to hear from you. Please contact me with your question or concern through my ‘Contact’ page. Give me at least 48 hours to answer. God Bless You Richly, Susan David, CCLC |